\n These CSV files are encoded in UTF-8 and all of them have the following columns:\n \n SortOrder (numeric): record counter
\n LocID (numeric): numeric code for the location; for countries and areas, it follows the ISO 3166-1 numeric standard
\n Notes (string): symbol linked to location notes file (available for download below)
\n ISO3_code (string): ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 location codes
\n ISO2_code (string): ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 location codes
\n SDMX_code (string): SDMX Global Registry, cross domain code list for geographical areas (version 2.0) represents a combination of reference area codes in M49 and ISO-3166 classification for international data exchange and interoperability _id=3215 and _AREA/2.0
\n LocTypeID (numeric): code for location type
\n LocTypeName (string): type of location
\n ParentID (numeric): numeric code of the parent location
\n Location (string): name of the region, subregion, country or area
\n VarID (numeric): numeric code for the scenario
\n Variant (string): projection scenario name (Medium is the most used); for more information see Definition of Projection Scenarios
\n Time (numeric): year the data refers to
\n MidPeriod (numeric): numeric value identifying the mid period of the data, with the decimal representing the month (e.g. 1950.5 for July of 1950)
\n \n
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